

美商公司 管理經驗值5年+

淡江大學俄文系畢業 GPA 2.6

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扶青團秘書 2014



打從決定要念MBA, 就一直不斷的考試念書考試念書

補了A2 GMAT, 覺得實在太困難, 就直接轉向英國, 然後才發現原來想去的學校也都要GMAT!!

不過英國的好處是給你很多時間, 到最晚明年五月前都還可以補交。



其實Essay Ielts GMAT 早都該在11月以前結束,但我實在太愛拖了。(事實上是我根本不會寫)

一直到十月底才和老薛把所有需要的Essay 和推薦信寫完,一路上也遇到好多人的幫忙,不管是Michael還是英文老師,大學教授跟Jay!

老薛幫我寫了五間學校的大小論文,Michale雖說要幫我,但最後不了了之,我們還是花了錢請Top admit改。(早該如此)


Top admit: 幫我改了CV 還有七篇左右的作文, 從我這賺了兩萬快三萬。



Crandfiled 11/11

Warwick 12/1

Lancaster 12/8

Bath 12/11

Manchester 回信說要看到我的GMAT成績和ielts成績, 可能GPA太低了。


後來也沒有投Leeds了, 心想就算上了我可能也不會去吧@@ 就懶得再寫問卷裡的題目了



收到面試後我就開始找面試相關題目 然後就在網路上看到這個------ 面試秘笈的概念


其實題目都繞著這些打轉, 而且有些都可以互用~~~ 大致上有準備 問題也都不出這幾個範圍

另外還有STAR的回答方式 有時候我回答到一半會想起來

但我覺得這種思考方式還是要多多練習 不然很容易就忘了













  1. Why are you applying to our business school?


  1. Why do you want to study the MBA? Why now?


  1. What do you expect from the MBA?


  1. Have you applied to / thought about applying to any other business schools?


  1. Who are you? (Discuss yourself)


  1. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? (Aspirations)


  1. What are your greatest strengths?


  1. What would you say are your biggest weaknesses?


  1. Why do you think you are right for our business school?


  1. Describe your career aspirations.


  1. Go through your work experience.


  1. What drives you? What makes you get up in the morning each day?





  1. Can you define your leadership style and provide me with an example showing your leadership?


  1. Tell me about a time when you led a team where one or more teammates weren’t effectively performing.  What did you do and what was the outcome?


  1. Describe a situation when you were leader and things went badly. Explain what you learned from this.







  1. Describe a scenario where you worked on a team and one of the team members was not pulling her weight. What did you do?


  1. Describe a situation where others you were working with on a project disagreed with your ideas. What did you do?


  1. Tell me about a time when you were part of a team that needed to meet a tight deadline.  How did you work to make sure that deadline was met?



  1. Tell me about a time when you had to collaborate with a cross-functional team.


  1. How did you deal with a member of your team who was a troublemaker?




  1. How do you handle stressful and tense situations? Give an example.


  1. Tell of a situation in which you have had to adjust quickly to changes over which you had no control. What was the impact of the change on you?


  1. What is a challenge you had at work and how did you overcome the challenge?



題解決(Problem Solving

  1. Recall a time from your work experience when your manager or supervisor was unavailable and a problem  arose. What was the nature of the problem? How did you handle that situation?


  1. Tell me about a time when there was an abundance of information and you successfully picked out the crucial elements.  What were the results?




  1. Tell me about a difficult interaction you had with someone. What happened?


  1. Give an example of a time that you caught something others missed by employing your active listening skills.


  1. Describe a situation when you had to provide feedback to another person.  How did you approach the situation?


  1. Tell me an example how you would communicate with colleague different functional department.



規劃與組織(Planning & Organizing

  1. How do you determine priorities in scheduling your time? Give examples.


  1. Describe a time in school when you had many projects or assignments due at the same time. What steps did you take to get them all done?







    創作者 Miss Amber 的頭像
    Miss Amber


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